Buildings of Interest

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  • St. John's Vicarage
Grade U

St. John's Vicarage

848, Atherton Rd, Hindley Green, Hindley

Listed Date: 00/00/0000
Part of Group:
At Risk: No


Dedication of St. John's Vicarage - March 1909

On Saturday afternoon a very interesting ceremony was performed at Hindley Green, when the dedication of the St. John's vicarage took place.
The vicarage is a very handsome and commodious structure, situate on the south side of the church.
It has been erected from plans and specifications prepared by Heaton, Ralph and Heaton, architects of Wigan, under the personal superintendence of Mr. Ralph, who is to be congratulated upon the excellence of the result obtained.
The contractors are Messrs. Waterworth and Bikerstaff, of Wigan, Mr. Bickerstaffe having been in charge.
The cost is about £1,900, and the lower portion is of pressed Ruabon brick, the upper portion has pebble-dashed walls, with Ruabon red-tiled roofs.

Source: Wigan Observer


Towards the end of 1904, Mr. J.E. Rayner generously gave the mineral rights to the land to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and this allowed us to acquire the site occupied by the Vicarage. The cost of the land (£325) was met yet again by Mr. Eckersley and a Committee was charged with responsibility for raising funds and building the Vicarage.

It was designed by Heaton, Ralph and Heaton and built by Waterworth and Bickerstaffe of Wigan.

The total building cost was £2,300 and the Benediction Service was conducted by the Lord Bishop of Liverpool on 20th March 1908.

From the Centenary Commemorative Brochure published in 1998 

Image - Ron Hunt of wiganworld


See Also